Monday, October 13, 2008
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Sunday, October 5, 2008
全球经济欠佳削减需求 棕油短期展望蒙尘
随着棕油价格由顶峰纪录回跌后,该行业佼佼者例如凯业集团有限公司(IOICORP,1961,主板种植组)已下跌大约47%。印尼最大的挂牌上市种植业者Astra Agro Lestari Tbk已剧跌60%,而新加坡挂牌上市的丰益国际有限公司(Wilmar International)已滑跌将近40%。
印度溶剂协会执行董事BV Mehta说,大豆将会丰收,由11月开始棕油需求将减少。印度的大豆产量今年可能高达1200万公吨纪录,而中国预测生产将近1800万公吨大豆。
大马经纪商Pelindung Bestari执行董事S.柏拉马林甘说:“从数字来看,棕油最终库存将高达500万公吨,这是从未见过的。目前更大的忧虑是出口减少,10月将是与9月同样恶劣。”货运检验行SGS的数据显示,大马棕油产品出口在9月剧减将近5份之1至大约120万公吨。
在澳洲挂牌上市的Mission Biofuels董事经理纳登马哈林甘说:“各国政府继续找寻变数的恰当组合,例如油价高涨以及充足原料供应。 但是目前石油价格可能更快下跌,棕油生化柴油可能没有诱因。”
与大豆油不同的是,较少棕油是用来制造生化柴油,只占了少过5%的全球4000万公吨产量。 在美国生产的超过20%大豆油被转化为生化柴油。
亚洲文件夹期望 美国销售额会增加
具64%升值空间 建裕珍厂可续买进
Friday, October 3, 2008
Yinson to handle Vietnam’s new port

Lim Han Weng
JOHOR BARU: Yinson Holdings Bhd is expanding to Vietnam where it will offer port transportation and related activities.
Managing director Lim Han Weng said its subsidiary Yinson Vietnam Pte Ltd would handle the activities at the new port in Hongtou, about 100km from Ho Chi Minh City.
The medium-sized port is currently being built by Petrovietnam subsidiary PTSE and is slated for completion by year-end.
“Prospects are good in port transportation in Vietnam due to the booming economic growth,” Lim told StarBiz in an interview.
He said that prior to awarding the handling activities at the port, PTSE had a firsthand look at Yinson’s operations at Johor Port, Port of Tanjung Pelepas and West Port.
He said PTSE’s decision was based on Yinson’s capability and expertise in providing a supply chain management in transportation and logistics.
Lim said the main problem faced by ports in Vietnam now was the average waiting time for vessels, which could stretch up to two weeks.
He said the log jam was caused by the inefficiency in cargo clearing.
Lim said the long waiting time at the ports in Vietnam could dampen the country’s economic growth and Yinson Vietnam was looking to reduce it to five days.
He said Hongtou Port would be different from others in that country as it would offer a full range of services. They include trucking, warehousing, shipping, customs clearance as well as sorting of goods and materials.
“Apart from handling transportation activities at the port, we are committed to attracting shipping companies to use the port for import and export,” said Lim.A small boat sails near a port in Ho Chi Minh City. Prospects are good in port transportation in Vietnam due to the booming economy — AFP
He said Yinson’s involvement at the new port would pave the way for the company to extend its services to other existing and new ports to be built in Vietnam.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
國內業務受挫 LCL迪拜投資賺錢
報導 - 林玉梅
增分店延長營業時段刺激銷售額 肯德基盈利預測調高
報導 - 賴薇夷
Monday, September 8, 2008
Sunday, September 7, 2008
甚麼是現金流量表?一位財務顧問Paul J.Hoeper曾經提出一個很好的,而且易於解釋的定義:“現金的流入量與流出量就好像一家公司的脈搏,現金流量表顯示了一家公司的資金運用與資金來源,它非常類似一家事務所對賬的匯總表。”
不過,依據現金流量的用途以及它的使用者之不同 ,還有幾種定義。從年度財務報告表述的內容來看,Hoeper先生的定義是最為適用的。
《執行者》作者Ram Charan和Jerry Useem在《財富》雜誌上曾寫道:“公司營運衰退的原因有很多種,然而,最後拖垮一切的,都是因為現金消耗完了。”
有位神奇的股票投資者非常重視現金流,他就是有股神之稱的巴菲特(Warren Buffett),原因何在?因為巴菲特認為現金是難以捏造的。
巴菲特是至今為止最成功的投資者,他的公司波克夏哈薩威(Berkshire Hathaway)投資幾十家公司,投資績效非常驚人。巴菲特是怎樣辦到的?許多人寫書試圖解釋他的投資哲學和分析方法。然而,我認為他的投資理念可歸納出3項簡單的規則:
第三、他分析公司的財務報表時,最重視現金流量的計算,他稱之為業主收益(Owver earnings)。巴菲特的財務智慧已經進升到全新層次,他的公司淨值也反映出這一點,對他來說,就是現金至上。
Sunday, August 31, 2008
默默耕耘不断磨练 Jobs潜能不容忽视
单在今年,Jobs机构已经收购数家公司股权, 以进一步加强其于区域的地位。
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
葛尼 Infiniti銷售若延長 匯華產業淨利受影響
(吉隆坡26日訊)海內外經濟不明朗,建築原料成本揚高,匯華產業(HUNZPTY,5018,主板產業)預測,產業銷量或持續走緩,分析界認為,假設產業葛尼廣場(Gurney Paragon)及Infiniti銷售期延長,匯華產業09及2010財年經常淨利(recurring net profit)將收窄。
“料將在2010財年下半年及2011財年推出的Alila II和泗岩沫計劃,也將推高匯華產業2011財年經常淨利。”
IJM Corp still doing well despite challenging times
SUBANG JAYA: IJM Corp Bhd is still doing well despite the challenging times in the construction industry, said chief executive officer and managing director Datuk Krishnan Tan.
Continuous focus would be placed on securing overseas jobs to contribute further to the company’s order book, he told reporters after its AGM and EGM yesterday.
The company announced yesterday a net profit of RM129.1mil for its first quarter to June 30, against a loss of RM728.9mil in the same period a year earlier.
Revenue improved to RM1.22bil from RM1.11bil previously, while earnings per share stood at 10.65 sen compared with a loss per share of 89.34 sen.
On the West Coast Expressway project undertaken in a joint venture with Kumpulan Europlus Bhd, Tan said he expected some delays as there was a double-digit increase in the cost of building materials.
IJM has a 25% stake in Europlus.
Tan said that in the Middle East, the company was bidding for two jobs in Bahrain, one in Dubai and two in Abu Dhabi worth more than RM1bil.
Its current order book is estimated at about RM5bil, of which 50% were contracts from India and the Middle East.
On the proposed listing of IJM (India) Infrastructure Ltd (IJMII) on the National Stock Exchange of India. Tan said the company had deferred it but ultimately IJMII would be listed.
“The environment in India, which contributes 30% of our order book, has changed substantially over the last six months to a year due to rising costs.
“Interest rate has also gone up to as high as 13% in India, thus affecting both the cost of doing business and demand from prospective property buyers,” Tan said.
IJM’s expressway project, which starts from Chilkaluripet to Vijayawada in Andhra Pradesh, India, requires a capital expenditure of RM900mil.
Total construction cost is RM550mil and the concession spans 15 years.
“Originally the two-lane road was to be expanded to four lanes.
“Now the Indian authorities want six lanes,” said Tan.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Success: Mideast, Asean demand to stay strong
SUNGAI BULOH: Success Transformer Corp Bhd expects demand for transformers and lighting products from the Middle East and Asean countries to remain strong, says a company official.
Transformers and lightings are the bread and butter for the company, contributing about 78% of its net earnings in the first-half year while the balance came from process equipment business.
“We only had a slight adjustment in pricing despite the pressures from higher raw material prices and labour cost. This probably gave us the advantage over our competitors in the local market during the first six months,” the official said.
About 50% of raw materials for transformers are steel-related products, for which prices have increased by 30% to 40% this year.
However, Success Transformer only adjusted its selling prices marginally as productivity improved, thanks to the cost-cutting measures implemented last year, he added.
The company’s 60%-owned joint venture in China, Ningbo Success Zhenye Luminaire Ltd Liabilities Co, is anticipated to start operations next month.
Ningbo Success has also given a profit guarantee of 7 million renminbi for 24 months from September.
“This would give us better cost control abilities in terms of purchasing and sourcing of light fittings in China,” the official said.
Additionally, Success Transformer is penetrating markets in Europe like France, Portugal and the Netherlands as it has secured the relevant certification and met the required standards of quality.
The official said the company was running at 80% of production capacity for transformers and lightings.
Success Transformer is currently sourcing for new warehousing facilities in anticipation of more demand.
Its process equipment subsidiary, Seremban Engineering Sdn Bhd (SESB), contributed about 38% of revenue and 22% of net profit in the first-half year. The spokesman said SESB’s contribution to bottomline would eventually reach 30%.
SESB’s fifth factory would be completed this year, boosting capacity by 20%. “Depending on the demand, we may consider setting up the sixth factory,” the official said, adding that SESB’s existing two-acre site, which houses the fifth facility, could easily accommodate another.
SESB’s order book is about RM40mil and it was bidding for RM50mil worth of projects,” he said, adding that it ventured into the waste management sector in Singapore earlier this year.
Cheap stocks all over
WITH all the negative newsflow about headwinds, it must have been a relief to investors that this is shaping up into a fairly benign results season.
While the season peaks and ends this week, the results released so far showed a number of companies that performed above analysts’ expectations.
Plantations and steel companies - both segments of steel millers and downstream steel products - reported huge profits as did companies in other sectors, in particular, consumer goods.
There isn’t a celebrative mood, however, as their performance was not recognised in the stock market.
One reason is that analysts have cut their forecast profits for almost all companies for the second half of the year, which may not be right in all cases.
At the same time, shares of big companies were de-rated to price/earnings ratios (PE) of about 10 times, while their small cap counterparts are stuck at around five times.
This is due to the outflow of foreign portfolio funds. The outflow of foreign funds from the Asia ex-Japan region in the first seven months this year reportedly exceeded their inflow during the whole of last year.
Their departure, for a variety of reasons, brought prices to their current levels.
Even at these levels, stocks here do not attract fund managers as share prices are at similarly depressed levels throughout the region, with many small caps elsewhere trading at five times PE too.
In the oil and gas (O&G) sector, valuation of stocks here range from 10 to 15 times.
However, the owners of oil reserves like Exxon Mobil Corp trades at a PE of 8.4 times while Royal Dutch Shell is at 6.7 times, which is lower than most of the valuations of the O&G stocks. That poses a conundrum for the stocks, which is a barrier to upside for the local stocks.
The economic conditions and financial liquidity in the developed countries would not turnaround the flow of foreign funds. It would take an inflow to turn the markets.
That could take some more months, but when that occurs, the companies that delivered outperformance should be well rewarded.
Presentable performance
UMW Holdings Bhd produced a fat 42% increase in its net profit to RM152mil for Q2.
Although it’s usually billed as an automotive cum O&G stock, the earnings outperformance was driven entirely by its Toyota division, according to analysts. Most of the contribution from its O&G division is believed to be at associate company level.
UMW’s results point to strong earnings from other automotive companies that recorded higher sales and managed to control costs.
Kossan Rubber Industries Bhd lived up to its reputation for consistent performance. It reported on Friday a 23% expansion in net profit to RM14mil for Q2.
This did not come without a cost as the earnings growth came from an expanded plant capacity and output while net profit margin declined to 6.5% from 7.1% a year ago.
Even so, it is a creditable performance to have earnings growth in the face of record latex prices.
It said some 22% of its total capacity was in the nitrile category and this would double when 11 new production lines were ready by November. It is believed that would raise profit margins as nitrile gloves provide higher margins than natural rubber gloves.
Tanjung Offshore Bhd announced on Friday that its seven vessels were revalued, giving rise to a revaluation surplus of RM95mil. It added the surplus would be incorporated into its financial statements next year.
This is unusual as owners of ships do not usually do this.
Malaysian Bulk Carriers Bhd, for instance, also own ships that it could sell for a large profit but it books the profits only upon a sale of the ships.
But these are unusual times, and the value of offshore vessels have appreciated more than assets on the land. As Tanjung Offshore put it, it would reflect the current values of its vessels.
Pizza Hut operator QSR Brands Bhd and its associated company KFC Holdings Bhd reported firm earnings growth. QSR’s rise of 44% in its net profit for Q2 reflects a trend among consumers towards pizza.
Some of the Q2 results were appetising but the proof of the pudding will be in the third quarter against the backdrop of an economic slowdown.
What’s cooking?
A fairly new term seems to have seeped into our financial lexicon namely, “kitchen sinking.”
This phrase refers to releasing the bad news all at once instead of in stages, and was derived from the idiom everything but the kitchen sink.
Here, analysts use the term for banks although it’s also used for companies in other sectors. This course of action taken by companies also tends to be leaked to analysts or the media a little earlier so that it is explained to avoid a sudden shock to investors.
The term is frequently used in relation to banks because they tend to take large loan loss provisions - which analysts call kitchen sinking - after a change of top management, and such changes became commonplace in the consolidation of banks.
AMMB Holdings Bhd, for instance, reported a pre-tax loss of RM691mil in its fourth quarter ended March 31, 2007 on a more stringent loss provisioning policy upon the entry of Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Ltd as a shareholder. Analysts forewarned of that loss as an act of kitchen sinking.
Likewise, they recently forewarned of kitchen sinking at EON Capital Bhd. True enough, the company announced last week it incurred a pre-tax loss of RM98.9mil in Q2 as it raised its loan loss coverage.
That followed the entry of Primus Pacific Partners as the new single largest shareholder in EON Capital in June.
There were some disappointments in banking results this season although Alliance Financial Group Bhd did not let investors down.
Alliance reported a 31% jump in its net profit to RM124mil for its first quarter ended June 30.
That followed its own kitchen sinking that caused a pre-tax loss of RM327mil for the quarter ended Sept 30, 2005, after Singapore’s Temasek Holdings became a major shareholder.
One reason for kitchen sinking measures is that new management wants to write off all the legacy problems so that they do not become a drag on results under their watch.
In some cases, there would be substantial recoveries of these write-offs which would boost results for the following one or two years.
It’s quite clear that when there is a change of management in a bank, investors can expect there will be kitchen sinking soon after.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Analysts bullish on Success Transformer
KENANGA Research, which has a buy rating and a target price of RM1.43 on Success Transformer Corporation Bhd (STCB), is bullish on the company's prospects going forward saying that it expected demand for STCB's products to remain robust despite the challenging macroeconomic environment.
"Our likes include the management's strong execution track record and capability, rising prospects for its key divisions as well as the undemanding valuation of 5.4 times based on our conservative FY08F," the research house said in a recent note.
Commenting on the company's results for the second quarter ended June 30 2008, Kenanga said that the half-yearly top line of RM91.3 million was 52% of its full-year forecast while the RM11.68 million half-yearly net profits were 59% of the forecast.
It pointed out that the quarter-on-quarter top line was up 14% due to a 19.3% improvement in STCB's traditional transformer and industrial lighting division, while process equipment was up by 6%. Net profits meanwhile jumped 30.3% due to better margins from the process equipment division.
The research housed added that the fifth Seremban factory is on course for completion by year-end, to add an additional 20% fabrication capacity and that the company's Chinese joint venture (JV) is slated to begin production in September.
To recapitulate, STCB has a JV under 60%-owned Ningbo Success Zhenye Luminaire Ltd since May this year to design and manufacture light fixtures and fittings. The JV comes with a 24-month profit guarantee of RMB7 million (RM3.4 million) beginning September.
The JV is expected to enable the company better control over quality, costs and delivery of its upstream lighting products, said SJ Securities Research which has an overweight call on the STCB stock at a fair value of RM1.45.
STCB's 2QFY08 results had exceeded the research house's expectations. It said that STCB's revenue and net profit were 54.6% and 64.6% respectively of its full-year estimates.
"We are again impressed by the management's ability to consistently improve and add value to the company. We therefore reiterate our overweight recommendation on STCB with an unchanged fair value of RM1.45, pegging a forward price-earnings ratio (PER) of 7.6 times."
The research house noted that all segments had performed strongly, concurring with Kenanga Research's view that the performance was commendable despite the challenging economic climate.
However, it pegged a lower forward PER on the stock due to poorer valuations of stocks listed on Bursa, pointing out also that STCB was trading at an undemanding forward PER of 4.7 times.
Success Transformer slipped one sen to close at 89 sen yesterday.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Success Transformers - 1HFY08 Results Review
August 19, 2008
So Far So Good
Success Transformers’ (STC) 1HFY08 net earnings of RM11.7m is in line with our forecast. 1H revenue and earnings grew strongly by 39.6% and 43.9% respectively contributed by strong sales from all divisions. The current quarter also incorporated the full contribution of its newly-acquired 100% subsidiary, Seremban Engineering SB (SESB), which boosted q-o-q revenue and earnings by 14.1% and 29.1% respectively. We expect its China operation to contribute positively in 4Q. There are no changes to our earnings forecast at this juncture and we are maintaining our BUY recommendation with a target price of RM1.57.
Margins slightly lower. 1H EBITDA margin was slightly lower at 20.9% compared with 22.2% previously owing to the nature of SESB’s business, which fetches a slightly lower margin than STC’s core business of manufacturing transformers and industrial lighting. Hence, it pulls down the group’s overall margin.
Tapping Chinese market. STC’s 60:40 JV in China will enable the company to open its marketing network in the country. This JV Co., which mainly manufactures industrial lighting products, will start operation on early September ‘08. As a commitment to this JV, the Chief Executive Officer of the JV Co. - also the owner of the remaining 40% equity interest – has given a total profit guarantee of Rmb7m for a period of 24 months commencing September ’08.
Maintaining forecast. We maintain our FY08 and FY09 earnings forecast at RM22.2m and RM26.8m respectively. The Group’s balance sheet is healthy with net gearing of less than 0.1x.
Maintain BUY. We have rolled over our valuation to FY09 and arrived at a target price of RM1.57 by applying a composite of 7x PER over FY09 EPS of 22.4 sen and 1.5x P/BV. The share is currently tradingat at an undemanding forward PE of 5x and 4.1x for FY08 and FY09 respectively. We maintain our BUY recommendation on STC.
Success beats forecast on strong demand
All segments post double-digit growth amid challenges
PETALING JAYA: Success Transformer Corp Bhd’s strong first half results were above expectations, thanks to continuing strong demand for transformers and industrial lighting equipment as well as process equipment, said analysts.
Kenanga Research said in its report yesterday: “For the first half, revenue was 52% of our full year’s forecast, while net profit of RM11.6mil came in at a strong 59%.”
For the second quarter ended June 30, Success Transformer registered a 14.1% increase in revenue against the preceding quarter, with a 19.3% sales increase in its traditional transformer and industrial lighting business and a 6% increase in sales of process equipment.
Meanwhile, net profit jumped 30.3% to RM6.9mil against RM5.8mil in the first quarter due to better margins fetched by the process equipment division at 15.2% compared with 9.8% in the preceding quarter.
According to the research house, the order book of Success Transformer’s process equipment division, currently valued at RM35mil, would keep the company busy for at least six months.
“Based on its past success rate of 20% to 30%, the company should yield an additional RM9mil to RM13mil worth of contracts out of the total RM45mil contracts that the division has tendered for,” it said.
Moreover, the company’s fifth factory in Seremban is on course for completion by year-end. It would give an additional 20% fabrication capacity, Kenanga Research said, adding that the sixth factory was on the drawing board.
“We continue to like the stock because of the management’s strong execution track record and capability,” it said.
Kenanga Research is maintaining a “buy” on the counter with a target price of RM1.43.
Meanwhile, SJ Securities Sdn Bhd has revised its earnings and revenue forecasts to RM23.04mil and RM174.66mil respectively for this financial year ending Dec 31 based on Success Transformer’s strong first half results.
“All segments registered double-digit growth in the second quarter amid the challenging economic environment,” it said.
SJ Securities has also incorporated expected contributions from Success Transformer’s 60:40 joint venture (JV) company with China-based Ninghai Zhenye Luminaries Manufacturing Co Ltd, Ningbo Success Zhenye Luminaire Ltd Liabilities Co.
“The management was positive on the JV company’s future contributions,” it noted.
“We are again impressed by the management’s ability to consistently improve and add value to the company,” SJ Securities said, reiterating its “overweight” call on the counter with a target price of RM1.45.
OSK Research noted that the JV company would contribute positively to the group’s revenue in the fourth quarter when operations began in early September.
The research house is maintaining a “buy” call on the counter with a target price of RM1.57.
Success Transformer fell 1 sen to close at 90 sen yesterday on a thin volume of 191,200 shares.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Why Warren Buffett chose Coca-Cola
Today, we will look into how world famous investment guru Warren Buffett identified his favourite stocks. At present, The Coca-Cola Co is one of Buffett’s key stocks that he will practically hold forever.
We believe a lot of investors would like to know why Buffett chose Coca-Cola as one of his key long-term holdings when one Wall Street analyst at that time labelled it as a “very expensive stock”.
Established in 1886, Coca-Cola is the world’s largest manufacturer, marketer and distributor of carbonated soft drink concentrates and syrups. At present, it operates in more than 200 countries and markets more than 2,800 beverage products. Besides, it also owns four of the world’s top five non-alcoholic sparkling beverage brands: Coca-Cola, Diet Coke, Sprite and Fanta.
Why did Buffett choose Coca-Cola? He likes caffeinated soft drinks. He acquired 7% of Coca-Cola stocks in 1988 for a total investment of US$1.02bil or at an average price of US$5.46 per share. As at Dec 31, 2007, Berkshire Hathaway owned 200 million Coca-Cola stocks, or 8.6% of the company’s outstanding shares.
Buffett’s original cost in this company was US$1.3bil. Based on the latest market value dated Dec 31, 2007, he achieved an annual compounded capital gain of 11.9% for 20 years. However, if we include all the dividends received, we believe his return from this stock may be more than 20% per annum!
Buffett considers Coca-Cola “inevitable” where it has low business risk and is suitable for long-term holding. To him, buying Coca-Cola has far less business risk over the long term than any computer company. Being the most recognised international trademark, Coca-Cola enjoys global power with very high competitive dominance and economies of scales.
Coca-Cola sells 1.5 billion servings everyday worldwide. As a result of its strong brands, the attributes of its products and the global distribution systems, it has a very high business consistency and performance throughout the years. Given the certainty of its long-term prospects, Buffett may choose to hold this stock forever.
He also finds that Coca-Cola has a simple and understandable business. Besides, Buffett likes to acquire companies with high profit margins and return on equity (ROE). When he acquired Coca-Cola in 1988, it reported a pre-tax profit margin and ROE of 19% and 31.8% respectively.
Apart from that, Coca-Cola also showed very high cash flow or “owner earnings”. Buffett defined owner earnings as reported earnings plus depreciation and certain other non-cash charges, minus the average annual capital expenditures required for a company to maintain its unit volume and competitive position. In 1988, the company showed an increase in owner earnings to US$828mil against US$262mil in 1981.
Buffett always advises investors to study the raw data in the financial statement and trust our own eyes rather than analysts’ summaries. When Buffett acquired Coca-Cola, he paid quite a high premium compared with the overall market average. He paid about 15 times and five times for Coca-Cola based on price-earnings ratio and price-to-book ratio respectively.
Given the strong performance and certainty in management quality, Buffett felt highly confident that he would be rewarded by the management’s ability to generate more owner earnings and to realise the full potential of the business.
A good company should pay dividends to its shareholders. If the company decides to retain its earnings for future expansion, every dollar it retains must translate into one-dollar market value. Buffett labels this as a one-dollar premise.
Since 1987, apart from paying good dividends, the overall market value of Coca-Cola has surged much higher that its retained earnings.
In summary, even though it is not easy to identify the next Coca-Cola, with hard work, the current downturn provides us a golden opportunity to hunt for good fundamental stocks for long-term holdings.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Construction poser
Some brokerage firms are having second thoughts about the construction sector, saying that the shocking performance of the ruling Barisan Nasional coalition has put some lavish mega projects in limbo. Hence, a de-rating of the sector.
Analysts say the situation may have some negative effects on share prices of stocks like Malaysian Resources Corp Bhd, Scomi Group Bhd, Scomi Engineering Bhd and UEM World Bhd.
TA Securities Bhd says concerns may arise on the implementation of projects like the Ipoh-Padang Besar double tracking and Pahang- Selangor interstate water transfer. This may consequently exert selling pressure on share prices of companies like MMC Corp Bhd, Gamuda Bhd and Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Bhd.
Kenanga Investment Bank Bhd's research unit expects mega projects, especially in states controlled by Opposition parties like Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) in Selangor and the Democratic Action Party (DAP) in Penang, to be reviewed.
`Major projects like the Penang Global City Centre (PGCC), Penang monorail, Penang Outer Ring Road, Langat II water treatment plant and Selangor-Pahang interstate water transfer project would likely slow down in the awarding of contracts and commencement of work,' Kenanga Research says.
Nevertheless, Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng from the DAP has made it clear that the PGCC project was not an issue as no approval had been given in the first place.
Selangor Menteri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim from PKR, meanwhile, has said that the state government would honour contracts signed under the RM9 billion Pahang-Selangor water transfer project.
But it would review the RM2.5 billion contract for the Langat II water treatment plant that would receive raw water from Pahang. Kumpulan Darul Ehsan Bhd was, last January, given the letter of award to build and operate the water treatment plant in Ulu Langat.
Kenanga Research expects more contracts to be awarded on an open tender basis to capable and competent companies or contractors. This should lower contract value and, theoretically, lower government development expenditure.
RHB Research Institute Sdn Bhd has downgraded the sector to `underweight' from `neutral', given the possible structural changes in terms of awards of public contracts into a new one that is more transparent.
`The dismantling of the decades-old public procurement model that was a money spinner for most companies in the past means that construction companies should now trade at lower multiples.
`(The dismantling) theoretically would be good for the sector over the long-term as it promotes competition and efficiency. Unfortunately, over the short-term, this means one key appeal of most Malaysian construction companies, ie, the ability to win direct- negotiated public contracts that fetch fat margins, is now gone,' it says.
Consequently, RHB Research has downgraded its benchmark one-year forward price earnings ratio (PER) for the sector from 15x to 10x. Indicative fair values of industry players have been cut too.
What are the good stocks?
Kenanga Research has suggested that investors focus on construction stocks with significant overseas order books. This means the likes of Muhibbah Engineering Bhd and LCL Corp Bhd.
Analysts at rating agency RAM Holdings Bhd say larger players such as Gamuda have long begun extending their geographical reach to reduce reliance on the domestic market.
Aside from diversifying their earnings base, the current construction and real-estate booms and untapped development prospects of the Gulf countries and emerging economies such as Vietnam and Cambodia also present opportunities to the larger companies with the requisite financial muscle and technical expertise, it adds.
RHB Research likes Zelan Bhd and Sunway Holdings Bhd, expecting them to outperform the market. Zelan, the firm says, deserves a fair value of RM5.69 while Sunway Holdings is targeted at RM1.93.
RHB Research has changed its recommendation on WCT Engineering Bhd and Hock Seng Lee Bhd to `market perform' from `outperform' previously. Its coverage on Prinsiptek Corp Bhd has been halted in view of the market's reduced appetite for construction stocks with small market capitalisation and low share liquidity.
Gamuda and IJM Corp Bhd also are not in the `good' books of RHB Research at the moment. The former's one-year forward PER is now being traded as low as 7x, while IJM's is at 11x from 17x previously.
`During the downcycle in 1999-2000, Gamuda's one-year forward PER was de-rated from a peak of 15x to a low of 7x, while during the 2002-2003 downcycle (that was shallower), it was de-rated from 13x to 9x. So far in the current 2008 downcycle, it has already been de- rated from 25x to 13x,' the firm notes.
For IJM, RHB Research notes that its one-year forward PER was de- rated from a peak of 22x to a low of 11x during the downcycle in 1999-2000, while during the 2002-2003 downcycle, it was de-rated from 17x to 13x. So far in the current 2008 downcycle, it has been de-rated from 17x to 11x.
Overall sectoral performance
Despite the general gloomy feeling, RAM thinks the construction sector should grow further by 5.2% in 2008 with more pace seen in the second half of the year. For 2007, the growth had been anticipated at 4.2%.
`As expected, the construction sector posted a slight recovery in 2007, with an average growth rate of 4.5% for the first three quarters of the year,' the rating firm noted in its credit and sector perspective for 2008 released early this month.
RAM said the performance, which compared favourably against the 0.5% contraction in 2006, was spurred by a gradual pick-up in infrastructure developments under the Ninth Malaysia Plan (9MP).
However, the rating firm said the pace of implementation for the 9MP has been rather slow thus far, with only 30% of the RM200 billion development allocation having been disbursed as at end- October 2007.
`We anticipate the pace of implementation to pick up in 2008,' it added.
Zahir Ramley "Construction poser". Malaysian Business. Apr 1, 2008. 08 May. 2008.
Knock on wood
The Malaysian furniture industry is export-oriented, with close to 80% of production exported. Export has been growing between 10%- 15% year-on- year over the past 15 years, with the exception of 2001, when depressed global sentiments caused a drop in export value. Furniture export was almost RM7.5 billion in 2006, and over RM8.5 billion in 2007 (see Table 2). Malaysia's export of furniture is expected to grow by 5%-10% annually to hit RM10 billion by 2010 in tandem with global growth.
According to CSIL Milano - Furniture Industry Research Institute based in Italy, the global furniture industry is expected to expand further and the world furniture trade is estimated to grow by 8.2% from US$ 97 billion in 2007 to US$ 105 billion in 2008.
It is estimated that more than 80% of wood-based (including furniture) product companies are SMEs. The industry is predominantly Malaysian-owned, and to date, more than 4,100 wood-processing mills are in operation.
There are about 2,300 Malaysian furniture companies mainly located in the West Coast of Peninsular Malaysia, with Muar, Johor, dubbed the furniture hub. According to the Malaysian Furniture Entrepreneur Association (MFEA), Muar is producing approximately 40% of the nation's total furniture export. The upholstery and leather furniture industry is strong in Selangor, while Penang is also known for its rubberwood furniture and sofa, says MFEA president Desmond Tan.
With a total membership of over 2,000 nationwide, ranging from furniture retailers, distributors, wholesalers, accessories, manufacturers and exporters, MFEA is the largest representation for the local furniture industry.
In 2006, the furniture industry was the 2nd largest exporter in the wood-based industry (after plywood) and Malaysia is among the top-ten of the world's furniture-exporting countries. In terms of export/production figures, Malaysia ranked second among the world's top-ten furniture exporters, with 77% of its production exported.
Malaysia has diversified its export markets for furniture and currently exports to more than 160 countries. The US, Japan, Australia and the UK remain the main export destinations due to the popularity of light- coloured rubberwood among developed countries (see Table 3). Besides these traditional markets, Malaysian furniture has also gained access to the markets in New Zealand, South America, Middle East, Africa and Russia.
Raw materials
Currently, about 85% of wooden furniture is made from rubberwood, while the remaining 15% is made from a combination of other wood and reconstituted panel products such as medium density fibreboard (MDF) and particleboard. Garden/outdoor furniture from tropical hardwood is mainly for the European and Australian markets.
As such, the increase of rubberwood prices is a cause for concern. Rubberwood now costs RM1,500 a tonne compared to RM400 some years back. The price hike is due to the increase of rubber trees kept for latex production in view of the present high price of natural rubber.
To ensure adequate supply of rubberwood, the export of rubberwood sawntimber was banned effective June 8, 2005 but some rules were subsequently relaxed. To encourage reforestration, the Forest Plantation Development Sdn Bhd has to date approved soft loans worth RM80.5 million to five companies to undertake forest plantation activities with a total area of 11,600 hectares. Under the Forest Plantation Programme, the government plans to develop 375,000 hectares of forest plantation with the planting of 25,000 hectares a year. The programme, implemented since 2006, will be ready for harvesting in 2021. While there are a total of eight species identified to be planted under this programme, focus will be given to two, namely, rubberwood latex timber clone for Peninsular Malaysia and Acacia Mangium for Sarawak.
The Malaysia Timber Industry Board (MTIB) is currently finalising the National Timber Policy to strengthen the development of wood- based industry especially for the furniture sector.
Meanwhile, hardwood import for furniture production is increasing, especially American hardwood.
`It's good. We're encouraging it because it conserves our forests. We sell the finished product back to America at a higher premium anyway,' says Malaysian Furniture Promotion Council (MFPC) Chairman Datuk Merlyn Kasimir.
Efforts are being made to rebrand furniture-making as a respectable career to pursue. MTIB has set up a Timber Innovation Centre in collaboration with Limkokwing University College of Creative Technology to promote the use of timber as a raw material for furniture where other materials such as oil palm trunks can be used.
MTIB and MFPC continue to seek greater market access for Malaysian furniture through FTA negotiations with its trade partners where lower import duties will make it more competitive in the partner's market.
According to Kasimir, tariffs in some countries were a crippling 30%-40% or higher.
Kasimir says the council is also stepping up promotional activities this year, including plans to start bringing local manufacturers along on its overseas trade missions. Meanwhile, it continues to support the development of the industry and help cultivate a design culture among industry players.
Moving forward
The rapid growth of the Malaysian furniture industry since 1990 can be attributed to the development of the original equipment manufacturing (OEM) market. But moving forward, especially in view of stiff competition from low-cost producers such as China and Vietnam, it has to move further up the value chain.
Malaysian furniture makers recognise the importance of value- adding, especially in the area of quality enhancement and design development. They have moved away from mass-production at low prices to more upmarket and niche products while maintaining competitive pricing.
`New directions must be taken to elevate our position in world rankings. We must now progress in a structured manner from OEM to original design manufacturing (ODM) and then achieving original brand name (OBN) status,' quips EFE Organising Chairman Quek Kheng Leng.
`Generic items have a fixed pricing - it all boils down to who's cheaper. But with ODM and OBN, the manufacturer determines the price,' Malaysian International Furniture Fair or MIFF Managing Director Datuk Tan Chin Huat says.
MIFF and Export Furniture Exhibition (EFE), two competing yet complementary furniture exhibition organisers, have been instrumental in promoting Malaysian furniture to international buyers. MIFF and EFE both held their fairs earlier this month.
Increased competition from low-cost producing countries notwithstanding, many local furniture makers are hardly fazed. The Malaysian furniture industry, backed by over 20 years of history, is well established and resilient. It will rise to the challenge, they reason. Some companies, such as Poh Huat Resources Holdings Bhd, have taken advantage of the lower costs in Vietnam by setting up factories there.
Manufacturers, consistently seeking cheaper production costs, tend to move around. China was the choice the past few years and now the focus is Vietnam, notes SJI Industries Sdn Bhd Managing Director Benny Poh. He attributes Vietnam's sudden surge in world furniture export rankings to the removal of the 13% VAT rebate in China, which caused a mass exodus of manufacturers in Vietnam The `moving around' will continue, he reasons, `next, maybe to Thailand, then Cambodia etc.'
However, Malaysia has the natural resources to fall back upon, something the regional competing furniture-producing countries have in limited quantities or none at all, he adds.
According to Poh, the cost of production in China is increasing, resulting in the narrowing of the price-gap between Chinese furniture and Malaysian furniture.
`Some seven to eight years ago, the price difference between them was about 25%. In two years, the gap is expected to drop to as low as 5%,' he says.
Another challenge facing the local furniture industry is manpower. The industry is still labour-intensive and currently, at least 25% is foreign labour. Policy changes on foreign labour policies, thus, will affect the industry directly.
`We hope the government can establish an effective and consistent labour policy to reduce uncertainties faced in furniture manufacturing,' says MFEA's Desmond Tan.
By improving technology and efficiency, local manufacturers hope to lower their dependence on foreign labour.
`Many of our factories are already well mechanised but we can still improve on efficiency by employing up-to-date technology,' SJI's Poh says.
Oursourcing is another option the industry is looking into to keep costs low. It makes more sense to import furniture components from low-cost producing countries than produce our own, notes MEICO Chipboard Bhd Managing Director Datuk Yong Seng Yeow. `The trend is now to import lots of components, keeping only higher-end production here,' he says.
However, Tan notes that while the import duty for complete furniture has been abolished, import duty on furniture parts, accessories and mechanisms still applies. `This reduces the competitiveness of supporting industries such as the furniture raw material and hardware suppliers, thus affecting manufacturers for the export market as well,' he says.
MARCH seems to be the furniture exhibition month. Besides our own Malaysian International Furniture Fair (MIFF) and the Export Furniture Exhibition Malaysia (EFE), held on March 4-8 and March 6- 10, respectively, there were no less than four other fairs in the region - one in Singapore and the rest in China. The International Furniture Fair Singapore (IFFS) was held on March 9-12; the International Famous Furniture Fair (IFFF) Guangdong, China, on March 16-20; the 21st China International Furniture Fair (Guangzhou) (CIFF) on March 18-21; and the 22nd Shenzhen International Furniture Exhibition (SIFE) on March 19-22.
Buyers were spoilt for choice as they surveyed what each fair had to offer. On the local front, MIFF and EFE consistently attract a large number of international visitors, many of them long-time supporters, faithfully returning each year.
MIFF 2008, the 14th instalment of the annual event, spanned over 80,000 sq m, with more than 500 exhibitors from 16 countries showcasing their products. Due to the large exhibition space needed, MIFF was split into two venues - Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC) and the Matrade Exhibition & Convention Centre.
According to MIFF Sdn Bhd Managing Director Datuk Tan Chin Huat, MIFF 2007 generated US$ 667 million in deals `and we hope to see a growth of at least 2%-5%'.
Tan says 25% of the exhibitors were foreign companies and MIFF aims to increase that to 50% in the future. MIFF strongly believes the presence of international exhibitors would help spur the local industry.
EFE 2008 is much smaller, slightly more than half the size of MIFF. The fourth EFE occupied 42,000 sq m of space over seven exhibition halls in the National Stadium at Bukit Jalil, with more than 150 participating exhibitors.
According to EFE Organising Chairman Quek Kheng Leong, EFE 2007 attracted international buyers from 152 countries and generated sales of RM1.8 billion. `About 30% of our previous exhibitors expanded their booth space this year, proof that they are confidant in EFE and satisfied with the results,' Quek quips.
Both organisers lament on the lack of a single exhibition area to accommodate the whole fair. Splitting the fair into two or more venues is hardly conducive, free shuttles ferrying visitors between venues notwithstanding.
`We need a venue with an exhibition space of at least 100,000 sq m,' echoes Datuk Seri Dr Lim Keng Yaik who officiated MIFF. Lim, the- then Minister of Primary Industries, was instrumental in the setting up of MIFF in 1995 and the development of the furniture industry.
`Despite having all the timber resources, Malaysia was only exporting RM40 million worth of furniture in 1986, while importing RM70 million. "What is wrong with you?" I asked the industry,' says Lim in his usual candour.
`We started by encouraging people involved in furniture manufacturing overseas to come back and build the nation's furniture industry. In 1995, we decided it was time to start our own exhibition,' he reminisces, adding proudly that furniture exports had in 2007 exceeded RM8 billion.
MIFF is today one of the ten leading furniture trade shows in the world and has won several accolades from the Ministry of Tourism and the Asia Pacific Brands Foundation. The younger EFE, likewise, has high ambitions. It aims to be the most important exhibition in Southeast Asia for international buyers to visit in next five years.
How attractive is Malaysian-made furniture to international buyers?
Malaysian Business spoke to several international buyers at the fairs and concludes that the appeal of Malaysian furniture is likely to last for a while yet. Despite Vietnam and China offering cheaper products, Malaysian furniture stands out in terms of quality.
`I would rather pay a slight premium for what I know is quality thantake a chance. Our reputation to our clients is at stake,' says Ray Rebecchi of Australia's Full House Furniture, who makes frequent trips all over the region sourcing furniture for his company's wholesale and retail operations. He has been coming to Malaysia every year for 14 years, and makes purchases each trip.
Fen Mohammed of Trinidad & Tobago is also a fan of the quality of Malaysian furniture and as such has been buying from here since eight years ago.
A couple from Kazakhstan has also made frequent buying trips to Malaysia. According to them, Kazakhstan, which only has a population of 15 million, has more than 10 companies that import furniture from Malaysia `and the number increases every year'.
International buyers tend to visit both the fairs and make comparisons. According to them, EFE has a cheaper pricing mechanism while MIFF caters more to a higher-end market.
Yvonne Chong "Knock on wood". Malaysian Business. Apr 1, 2008. 08 May. 2008.
Penang property outlook: Prospects still intact
Even the fate of the RM25 billion Penang Global City Centre (PGCC) project is hanging in the balance as Lim recently brushed aside the need to review the project after being informed by the Penang Municipal Council and the state Town and Country Planning Department that it has yet to be approved in the first place. As the proposal for the project was still in the processing stage, he noted the project's application would go through the normal procedures "but whether it will be approved or not is a different issue."
In January, the Federal Government had asked the developers of PGCC to revise their plans, which could delay the project, following widespread protests from residents. The revisions included such measures as scaling down its density, complying with affordable housing norms and leaving hilly land untouched.
To be undertaken by Abad Naluri Sdn Bhd, a 25%-owned by listed property developer Equine Capital Bhd, the PGCC project was to be built on the existing 104 hectares of the Penang Turf Club land, which Abad Naluri purchased for RM488 million in 2002.
To gauge what the future holds for Penang under the DAP-led Opposition State Government, Malaysian Business speaks to some prominent industry people in the state.
Datuk Jerry Chan Fook Sing, Real Estate and Housing Developers' Association Malaysia (REHDA) Penang Chairman and Managing Director, Asas Dunia Bhd
From a recent property fair officiated by Penang's Deputy Chief Minister II P. Ramasamy, I was pleasantly surprised to see development company bosses and their staff reaching out enthusiastically to him. It appears that the new DAP/PKR/PAS administration is accepted without a sense of apprehension or fear. I believe the current concern is uncertainty about pending changes in the administration of the local councils and other policy-making/ approving bodies.
Speaking for REHDA, we have outstanding issues that have been highlighted to the previous administration. Among them are a review in Penang Municipal Council (MPPP) density guidelines, price increase in low cost/low medium cost units, conditional approval of layout pending land conversion, automatic release of unsold Bumiputera units, release of unsold low-medium cost units for public sale, and the removal of back lanes.
On the whole, we believe we should see greater transparency, accountability and accessibility in decision-making as this was the platform on which the current administration used in their election campaign. The Chief Minister and exco members whose portfolios involve land, housing and local government should understand problems the property development industry faces. Then they must have short, medium and long- term plans for housing and real estate in Penang.
Most of the public and the investment community did not expect the outcome of the 12th General Elections (12GE). If public confidence is reinforced by the right policies and noises, what makes Malaysian property investable remains intact and would be further reinforced by such moves.
If the Federal Government carries out what our Prime Minister has assured the public, namely the Second Penang Bridge, the Penang Outer Ring Road and monorail projects, there will be positive spillover effect on the property sector.
Insofar as Penangites are concerned, I don't believe buyers would just hold back buying a property because of a change in the Government. The new administration has promised a "pro-business" approach and if the Pas-held Kelantan experience is any guide, there should be sufficient business and confidence momentum to carry the property sector for the next five years.
Dr Jason Teoh Poh Huat, Director, Henry Butcher Malaysia (Penang) Sdn Bhd
In the short term, real estate investors in Malaysia are expected to adopt "a wait and see" strategy on how the country's new economic landscape will unfold in the wake of the changing political climate. We have received many calls from our foreign investors, counterparts and clients anxious to get a better feel of the ground on the implications for the property market.
In the longer term, we expect Malaysia to continue being attractive as property prices are generally perceived to be still competitive and in most cases below that of its immediate neighbours. Attracting investments, tourisms and residents would indeed be a greater challenge today in view of the growing Asia Pacific real estate market offering alternative opportunities for investors in 2008.
Penang has its own peculiar challenges, which are unlike Selangor. Selangor is a much richer state with greater affluence and even population base. In order to bring further progress to the property sector in terms of creating greater demand, it is imperative to draw in more people to the state.
A survey showed that the average price of a house bought by foreign residents, which may include the Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) programme participants, is in the region of RM1 million. Taking an average of say 10% of participants buying a house in Malaysia, the impact on the property market as a whole would be say RM1 billion on the basis of about 10,000 participants over the last eight years. This translates to an average of about RM100 million per year.
Competitive pricings of properties in Kuala Lumpur and Penang, being much lower than Hong Kong, Singapore and even Vietnam, are anticipated to continue to drive investment interest. It is also interesting to note that real property prices in Penang and KL are still below their peak levels vis-a-vis 1996 and 1997 notwithstanding their rapid price appreciation over the last six years.
Datuk Tan Chiew Piau, Group Excutive Chairman, CP Land Sdn Bhd
I expect some changes in the authority approval process for development projects and it's likely to take some time before this new state governments come out with clear guidelines. This will cause delay in some of the projects that are pending approvals.
However, I believe once these issues are ironed out and clear guidelines are made known to the developers, the approval process may well be even simplified.
Generally, property developers have no problem with transparency and accountability on the part of the government but we wish this new state government will be consistent in their policies and have forward looking guidelines that are more adaptable to the current market scenario. Unsuitable guidelines, notably lower plot ratio and density in previously classified suburban areas, should be reviewed in line with the openings of new growth areas.
The immediate action needed from both the federal and state government is to restore confidence in the market. Pessimism can be felt immediately after the 12GE and this is further aggravated by the seemingly unending financial turmoil in the US.
Penang and Selangor are among the most developed states in Malaysia. Boasting high value investments in properties from both local and foreign investors, any slowdown in demand emanated from these two states will drag down the property market.
Post-election, our property stocks are experiencing turbulence deriving from the shocking outcome of the 12GE and a volatile global financial market. Investors are already very cautious as the property prices in Malaysia have been constantly testing new heights and may have even reached its peak of this current uptrend cycle. Some may view these events as a triggering point for a downturn cycle in property prices and thus abandoning the property stocks.
I foresee the property market experiencing price consolidation in the near future. Property prices in Penang & Selangor will likely hover around current level. Rental yield based on current prices may not be too attractive to investors to commit in at this stage.
Moving forward, investment in real estate should be made based on mid-to long-term view and also ability to hold on the assets for a longer period, ie, five years and above to reap capital appreciation. Penang and Selangor will still be the choice investment destinations for real estate in Malaysia with Johor and Sabah offering alternative choices.
Dr Goh Ban Lee, Retired Academic and Urban Governance Columnist
If the new government keeps to its election promises - transparency, accountability, rule of law and all fairness - the impact will be positive on the property development sector. Doing business, including building houses, will be competitive and competition is good in a capitalist market. Hopefully, the reduction in the cost of property development and competition will ensure that the price of properties will also be competitive and affordable.
In the efforts to foster transparency and accountability, it is time to make the decision-making process more transparent, especially with regards to approvals of development projects, land conversion, excision from hill land gazette and acquisition of land for development.
It will be wise to also review all existing land and development control laws and policies. Having done that, all laws and policies must be implemented fairly and firmly.
Local plans must be gazetted so that everyone knows exactly what is being planned for the near future. There is a serious need to understand the impacts of rapid rise in property prices on the housing needs of average families. Hopefully, a more efficient and transparent administration of land by the state government and processing of land development projects by the local councils will have positive impact on the prices of properties.
For a start, it is good if the councils can list all applications for permission to undertake development (planning approval) on their main notice boards and their websites. Similarly, all applications for land use conversion, from hill land reserve or other restrictions should be displayed properly, especially on the official websites.
Cheah Chor Sooi "Penang property outlook: Prospects still intact". Malaysian Business. Apr 1, 2008. 08 May. 2008.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
SAMGOSS 的天时,地利,人和
SAMGOSS 要我提醒大家要学习他的方法,一定要坚守两个原则:
1) 不能CONTRA((即是不要想在T+3内卖出)。
2) 一定要有持票能力。
孙子兵法说 :要彻底赢得战役,你必须要有天時地利及人和缺一不可。
每个人都知道什麽是: 天时,地利,人和。你知道并不代表你了解。你了解了,并不代表你懂得如何运用在投资股票上。
什麽是地利呢?地利就是你能控制的基本面,如盈利成长良好,涉及的领域大丰收等,买入本益比(PE)<10>50 是你的选择,你的决定。
平均 25
> 25 太贵了
~ 20 可以考虑
平均 15
>18 太贵了
三者之中,他认为地利或基本面(FA)最为重要,如你拥有有地利的股票,短期内你可能无法获利,但长期而言,你会获得你应得的回报,这些股票的例子有 PPB ,PBB,YTL ,IOI, Maybank 及 Genting 等等。
有天時及人和, 但缺少地利的股其实是以投机或听谣言买入,偶而会获利,但更多时候你将不能得到你想要的,而且会亏损。
如你要玩短线,你需要天時及人和,当然还有运气,但如果你要以有限的资金安全及平稳的获取最大的利益,你需要三者皆在, 如果天时及人和都没善待你,你还有地利的支持 。
大马股市(KLSE)在现阶段是严重缺乏天时及人和, 如你现在买入,你需要最少持票几个月,而且在熊市中的获利也是很有限的 (广东人说的;你赢,赢一粒糖,你输,就输一间厂 )。
永远记得投资要顺风而行, 天时与人和同在时,买进有地利(FA)的股就如顺水推舟,顺风顺水,大富大贵。
地利的股适合玩长期。 SAMGOSS的经验是现在地利股长期虽然可以赚钱,但你有需要付出长期持股,资金被绑,错失其他买入良机的代价吗?先卖出,以后才买回不是更好吗 ?虽然我们并不知道那里是最低点,但在熊市,肯定有机会在更低价买回。
Hi Sifu Sam,
想问的是:当你买进一支股时, 除了本益比,你还有用其他指标或讯息吗?
2) 除了死亡,这世间没有“肯定”的事。但买入低本益比的股票,特别是蓝筹股却肯定能降低亏损的风险及提高获利的潜能。如果这些股项能够经历了911 恐怖袭击,1987 黑色星期一,1998 东南亚金融风暴这些阻碍,挂牌五十年后还竖立不倒,这证明了它们基本面超强,管理良好。
3) 当然,如果未来盈利不能持续,买进低本益比或盈利记录良好的股票是不能保证一定投资获利;但如果买进低本益比都不能保证赚钱,那高本益比的股票呢?能够吗?
在我买入任何股票前,低本益比是我的第一个考量,之后我会审查过去的盈利报告来预测未来的盈利 。
基本上我不会买入本益比 〉15 的二三线股或本益比 〉20 的蓝筹股。
让我们做个比较:低本益比 = 受过教育的人,高本益比 = 没受过教育的人,这里没看轻人的意思。
Monday, April 28, 2008
Dangers of small cap stocks Very few make the grade
MANY investors would be indifferent to investing in large cap stocks and small cap stocks. The inherent dangers of investing in small caps need to be investigated so that investors have a better grasp of the risks involved.
There is a very popular local fund manager who has performed admirably, largely thanks to his picks in mid and large caps. However, his track record was compromised somewhat by his picks among small caps; in fact, it was pretty dismal.
The biggest attraction of small caps is the huge growth potential. Most successful large cap companies started at one time as small businesses. Small caps give the individual investor a chance to get in on the cheap. Everyone talks about finding the next Genting, YTL or IOI Corp. However, the reality is that very few small caps make the grade.
It is certainly easier to grow from a market cap of RM100mil to RM500mil but it's a totally different scale to grow from RM1bil to RM5bil. At some point you just can't keep growing at such a fast rate due to restrictions in the sector size.
While there are some funds that do invest in small caps, by and large the majority of funds are averse to them. That's because the fund would have to be small in size to invest in small caps. If you are managing a US$500mil fund, it's difficult to have sizable positions in small caps. No fund manager wants to look at 100 companies in their portfolio – the monitoring costs are too overwhelming. For mid size to large funds, to invest successfully in small caps would require hitting a lot of home runs every year – a debilitating task.
The coverage on small caps would also be scant at best. Lack of coverage means lack of exposure. Lack of exposure means the stock will not appear on their radar screen. What this means to the individual investor is that, because the small-cap universe is so under-reported or even undiscovered, there is a high probability that small-cap stocks are improperly priced, or usually under-priced.
The biggest drawback to investing in small caps is in the management. Typically, they comprise entrepreneurs who built the company from scratch to its listing capacity. We have to differentiate between people who had a great idea and those who have the ability to grow a company.
Statistics reveal that these entrepreneurs hold onto the company for far too long and do not have the expertise to take the business to the next level. It takes more professionalism and market savvy to turn a RM100mil company into a RM500mil company. Too many entrepreneurs are unwilling to appoint more professional managers, or are blinkered of the need to do so.
There are varying notions of what constitutes a small cap company. In the US, it is generally regarded as companies with market cap of less than US$500mil (which would be regarded as a mid cap in Malaysia and most of the smaller South East Asian countries).
Truth is, there are no hard and fast rules. I would categorise small caps in Malaysia as those with a market value of below RM500mil (because there are just so many of them) and then have another category for those under RM300mil as micro-caps. If we were to push the threshold higher, it would envelope the majority of stocks on the Bursa.
To better spot the better small caps is to examine the company's strategy and execution ability. First, the business needs to be scalable. Secondly, the company must know its market, competitors and its competitive edge. It also must have a clear plan to grow organically or via acquisitions. In addition, there must be increasing professionalism in the way business is run – be it at management or board level. There must exist a clear understanding of cost and capital requirements. Last but not least, is the execution ability. There should be goalposts or milestones marked and reached.
Small caps are able to ride a wave better because they are more agile given their size. The crunch comes when there is a recession or dramatic slowdown in their sector. Many small caps will perform well in a bullish environment but wither easily when the wind blows harder.
A lot of small companies arise from carving a niche in technology. However these companies also suffer swiftly from technology improvements and trend changes. Most do not have sufficient resources to commit at such an early stage into research & development in order to stay ahead of the development and technology curves.
Small caps usually do not pay much dividend as most of its profits will be reinvested to fund growth. This is an additional risk as no or little yield will mean investors would be buying for pure capital appreciation.
My final thought on the issue is that through my observation, I have noticed a certain danger of complacency among owners of small caps. Many entrepreneurs are satisfied once they get their companies listed on the stock exchange. In Malaysia, many of these owners stand to make RM10mil-RM50mil following a listing. Indeed, an attractive sum that can tempt many to “retire” and lose their drive to elevate the company.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Asia File
And the company has been going global for some time, with the United States and United Kingdom markets making up most of its sales. Over the years, Asia File has expanded its business overseas, which now contributes more than 70% of its revenue, with the two largest markets being the US and Europe (mainly UK). Yet, despite its global reach and strong product demand, the equity market had somewhat lost interest in the stock, with the share price trading range-bound over the last four years at between RM4.00 and RM6.00.
Rumour had it that there were some family disputes in the management of the company, which is controlled by the Lim family now headed by Executive Chairman Michael Lim Soon Huat, and the company had somewhat lost some direction. Profits were still pretty good even then, probably reflecting the resilience of its business, although they were flat at around RM30 million over the same period. However, Asia File is apparently coming back with a bang, having recently acquired one of the larger players in its market in Europe on the cheap.
According to a recent investment report by CIMB Research, Asia File is set to record a strong compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 40% over the next three years, as it will be the largest original equipment manufacturer (OEM) in its segment in Europe with the acquisition.
An old hand in the business
Established in 1961, Asia File has been in the stationery business for more than four decades, and today dominates the local industry with a 60% market share. Asia File manufactures and distributes stationery products for both the domestic and export markets and has a vast range of products, the main ones being dividers, lever arch files and ring files, which contribute close to 70% of its current group revenue.
It exports to more than 80 countries, mainly as an OEM and also as an OBM. The largest markets for its products are the UK and the US, which collectively make up more than half of the group’s revenue. Asia File’s manufacturing and headquarters base is in Penang, where the group has a total of three factories, ie, in Permatang Tinggi (200,000sf in size), Bayan Lepas (260,000sf) and Sungai Pinang (60,000sf). Asia File also operates a major warehouse in Puchong in the Klang Valley and in Basingstoke, UK. The average utilisation rate of its factories is said to be 70%-75%, according to CIMB Research.
Listed since 1996
Asia File first got listed in 1996 on the second board of Bursa Malaysia before upgrading itself to the main board in 2000. The company is currently majority-owned by dominant shareholder, Prestige Elegance Sdn Bhd, which holds 47.2% of the group. Prestige is 50.01% owned by Executive Chairman Lim, who is said to take a very hands-on approach towards the group’s domestic and export operations.
The group has also garnered some institutional support and has a number of large institutional shareholders. These include the Arisaig Asean Fund (14.9%), the NT Asian Discovery Fund (6.2%) and Great Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) (3.7%). According to CIMB Research, the foreign shareholding in Asia File is currently at around 22%, which could rise further if investors take note of the fact that the group’s major income actually comes from overseas, mainly Europe.
Major breakthrough in Europe
The new excitement in the group stems from its recent acquisition of Plastoreg (PTG), Europe’s largest OEM manufacturer of indices and dividers. According to an industry observer, Asia File has long been on the lookout to acquire stationery companies in Europe and the US as part of its plans to expand its distribution network in these markets. The breakthrough came recently in September 2007, when it grabbed the opportunity to buy over PTG in an attempt to further tap into Europe’s Euro 20 billion (RM96 billion) stationery market. PTG is an OBM in Europe, selling its products under the `INDX’ brand.
PTG has a long history in the business similar to Asia File. The company is also family-run and started operations back in the 1970s. It has today two production plants in Kirchgandern and Witzenhausen, located on the borders of East and West Germany. Both the plants, which total around 30,000sf, are only 15km apart and only need 48 hours to access major European Union (EU) markets by truck.
PTG’s sales are mainly in Europe, with Germany being its largest market at 41% of its total sales. According to CIMB Research, the company has more than 700 customers, mainly international office supply retailers or promotional ring-binder producers. PTG sells mainly standardised products (70% of sales) while bespoke products make up the balance 30%.
Analysts are mainly positive on the acquisition, noting the fact that outside the UK, Asia File’s revenue from Europe is only 1% of total group sales. For one, CIMB Research notes that while Asia File has successfully penetrated the UK market and is currently one of the top-three players in filing products there, the fact is that it only started making inroads into this market in the past few years despite having been in the UK since the late 1980s. With PTG, Asia File will, in one fell swoop, have an extensive distribution network in Europe and the UK, saving its years of relying on just organic growth.
With PTG in the fold, CIMB Research estimates that the new group will in the future make close to 80% of its sales overseas compared to around 60% currently (see Chart 1).
Attractive purchase price
The acquisition will cost Asia File Euro 13.8 million (RM66.2 million), which analysts say is quite an attractive price for a major European stationery company with an extensive distribution network across Europe. The group has net cash of around RM60 million and hence, it would not be a problem for Asia File to pay for the acquisition, which was expected to be completed by last year.
At the price, CIMB Research estimates that Asia File is buying PTG only at around 5.0x one-year forward price earnings (PE) multiple and at 2.2x price to net tangible assets (NTA). The payback period is expected to be three to five years and with PTG under its umbrella, Asia File is expected to be the world’s largest OEM producer and distributor of indices and dividers, producing close to 1.0 billion pieces annually. It’s, thus, not a surprise that the investment community is taking a re-look at the company.
PTG is also said to be managed very efficiently. The company currently has 130 employees and generates an annual revenue per employee of close to RM1.0 million, 4.0x that of Asia File, says CIMB Research. Its plants are also running at full capacity and have orders for more than six months in advance so much so that PTG is looking to invest Euro 2 million (RM9.6 million) in 2008 to expand its production capacity. In addition, PTG’s key board members and senior management are also expected to remain in the company even after Asia File’s acquisition to ensure continuity in its operations.
Additional synergies?
Apart from an increase in the size of its market for Asia File, there is also apparently synergy in product mix and costs as well. At the moment, PTG only produces dividers and indices whereas Asia File manufactures a host of products like lever arch files, binders, polypropylene products, manila files and paper products. As such, analysts believe that Asia File could easily use PTG’s distribution network in Europe to sell its other products.
CIMB Research thinks that there could also be major cost savings and economies of scale once PTG comes on board. According to the research unit, PTG currently sources its raw material and intermediate products like mylar and polypropylene films from third- party suppliers. As Asia File also produces these raw materials, the enlarged group could potentially save up to Euro 2 million (RM9.6 million) annually just by supplying in-house to PTG. This could lead to better pricing discounts and rising operational utilisation rates for the whole group.
Despite the apparent benefits of PTG, CIMB Research also cautions that given the larger presence of the group sales from overseas, short-term volatility in the foreign exchange rate (forex), especially that of the US dollar, could affect Asia File’s profit margin in the immediate term, as there is a lag period of around two to three months before the group would be able to pass on any cost increases to its customers. To minimise this impact, Asia File has plans to hedge its forex exposure.
There is also the risk that a price war could start between PTG and its rivals in Europe, although it’s not likely Asia File would want to resort to such an action although its competitors’ actions are less predictable. A global slowdown in the US and Europe could also, needless to say, affect the group’s sales going forward since its markets are now predominantly in those markets and users are likely to cut back on office and stationery supplies in any business slowdown.
What could Asia File be worth?
CIMB Research is bullish on the group’s acquisition of PTG and believes that Asia File is undervalued despite its share price having almost doubled to around RM9.75 at the time of writing in the last several months from its four-year trading range of RM4.00-RM6.00 (see Chart 2). In fact, the research unit has an end-FY08 price target of RM15.60 for the stock, basing it on still a reasonable CY09 target PE multiple of 13.0x for regional stationery stocks. The main catalyst would probably be the estimated strong 40% growth in the group’s CAGR by the research unit.
Notwithstanding the risks inherent in owning a stock whose share price has risen so rapidly, retail investors, meanwhile, could also likely be attracted to the company’s upcoming proposed 3:5 bonus issue, which should see more liquidity in its trading on the local bourse. With its growth likely muted domestically, Europe seems to be a good place for the group to make its comeback to the limelight, that is as long as it sticks to doing what it knows best in the stationery business.
By: James from: FindArticles - Hot European Foray
Malaysian Business, Jan 1, 2008, by James S